Floor: 45-28-7
authors: Gonzalez, Bonta, C. Garcia, Hernández
co-authors: Hall, Allen, Beall, Block, Burke, Calderon, Campos, Chiu, Chu, Gipson, Hancock, Jones-Sawyer, Lara, Leno, Liu, Lopez, McCarty, Medina, Mitchell, Santiago, M. Stone, Thurmond, Ting
For almost 100 years, California farm workers have been treated as second-class citizens. Farm laborers grow and harvest food — often working up to 60 hours a week — that feeds nearly half of our nation. But under previous anti-immigrant laws, they were only paid overtime after ten hours of work a day. AB1066 (originally AB2757) gives farm workers fair overtime pay after eight hours of work a day. Passing AB1066 was a challenging effort, with the agriculture industry trying to kill it every step of the way. However, AB1066 was successful and is a step in the right direction, mandating fair compensation in the agricultural industry that falls in line with almost all other professions.