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Robert Rivas

State assembly

Speaker of the Assembly






In June, Assm. Robert Rivas assumed the speakership after a protracted leadership fight, and was responsible for guiding the Assembly through the final months of the legislative session. Along with casting his own votes in favor of 44 bills evaluated for this scorecard, Assm. Rivas provided stewardship in moving several critical pieces of legislation over the finish line, including SB253 to require corporate disclosure of greenhouse gas emissions. In the final week of the session, the full Assembly passed several progressive bills, including a $20 minimum wage for fast food workers, five guaranteed days of annual sick leave for most workers, and protections for organized labor. 


Corporate Money

Type Amount
Real Estate $88,250 Sources
Oil & Gas $132,700 Sources
Cops $113,800 Sources
Health Insurance $38,700 Sources

2024 Score Card Grades from Partners

Contact Robert Rivas

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