Sebastian Ridley-Thomas State assembly D District AD- Party democrat Score 64 Contact Votes All Time Votes Filter by topic Consumer Protection Criminal Justice Economic Justice Education Environmental Justice Environmental Protection Gender Equality Gun Violence Prevention Health Housing Immigration LGBTQ Rights Political Accountability Racial Justice Reproductive Choice Voting Rights Workers' Rights Floor Vote Committee Vote Contact Sebastian Ridley-Thomas You have failed the people of California, and I am incredibly disappointed that you consistently place corporate lobbyists and special interests above the well-being of everyday people. Your Courage Score is a reflection of your misguided priorities – I can only hope that you begin better reflecting the values of your constituents. Send NOTE: Although you may be disappointed with your representative, please be respectful. Use this opportunity to offer constructive feedback. Please abstain from negative, disparaging language, including, but not limited to: expletives, comments about race, gender identity, sexual orientation, ethnicity or religion, and anything specific to appearance.