Guarantees five days of paid sick leave for most workers in California. Passed by the State Legislature and signed into law by the Governor.
Guarantees five days of paid sick leave for most workers in California. Passed by the State Legislature and signed into law by the Governor.
Expands public healthcare reporting requirements to include data from Community Health Centers on labor, revenue, workforce development, and mergers and acquisitions. Passed by the State Legislature and signed into law by the Governor.
Advances the creation of a single payer healthcare system by engaging stakeholders and leaders in discussions on program and funding. Passed by the State Legislature and signed into law by the Governor.
Would improve affordability and medical transparency by authorizing the public disclosure of financial reports and data from large medical groups, providers, and physician organizations. Passed by the State Legislature; vetoed by the Governor.
Would allow individual judges to determine the procedure for a defendant found incompetent to stand trial and speed up their access to mental health diversion programs and hospital care. Passed by Assembly; held in the Senate Appropriations Committee.
Allows Los Angeles, San Francisco, and Oakland to provide overdose prevention programs, including safe injection sites with sterile consumption supplies, trained staff, and treatment resources
Expands abortion access by allowing Nurse Practitioners and Certified Nurse Midwifes to perform the procedure without a doctor’s supervision after they’ve completed 4,600 transition-to-practice (TTP) hours
An act to add Division 1.7 (commencing with Section 1190) to, and to add and repeal Sections 1190.05, 1190.15, and 1190.20 of, the Health and Safety Code, relating to health facilities.
An act to add Section 2295 to the Business and Professions Code, relating to sex characteristics.
An act to add Section 77.8 to, and to add and repeal Sections 3212.86, 3212.87, and 3212.88 of, the Labor Code, relating to workers’ compensation, and declaring the urgency thereof, to take effect immediately.
An act to amend Sections 650.01, 805, and 805.5 of, and to add Article 8.5 (commencing with Section 2837.100) to Chapter 6 of Division 2 of, the Business and Professions Code, relating to healing arts.
An act to amend Sections 1255.1 and 1255.25 of the Health and Safety Code, relating to health facilities.
Lead Author: Stern Summary: First responders and firefighters encounter high-stress, traumatic situations while performing their life-saying duties. The long-term toll of this trauma can have enduring effects, often presenting as Post Traumatic Stress Disorder — a manageable condition that requires professional mental health treatment. SB542 classifies PTSD as a condition for which first responders may … Continued
Lead Author: Durazo Summary: Undocumented people live among us, work alongside us, and are often the most vulnerable when it comes to emergency medical costs. SB29 extends Medi-Cal to all these people, as an attempt to improve health care while lowering emergency room costs across the state, which often end up burdening all Californians. This … Continued
Lead Author: Leyva Summary: Many of California’s regulations regarding nurse-to-patient ratios go unenforced — this has been the case for nearly two decades. When hospitals fail to follow these regulations, both patients and nurses suffer. SB227 creates unannounced inspections for hospitals with a special focus on adherence to nurse-to-patient ratios. This bill passed and was … Continued
Lead Authors: Kalra Summary: Health insurance premiums for employer coverage have increased at 6 times the rate of inflation in the past 15 years. For coverage sold to individuals and small employers, California regulators use “rate review” to assess whether proposed rate hikes are based on credible data and realistic projections of increased costs. AB731 … Continued
Lead Authors: Mark Stone, Jones-Sawyer Summary: Incarcerated people enter prison with disproportionately high rates of poverty, then often forced to work manual labor for almost nothing. Charging inmates administrative fees (or co-pays) for medical visits is unnecessary and unfair. The barrier it creates to inmates receiving basic care exacerbates minor conditions and leads to the … Continued
Lead Author: Eggman Summary: Safe-injection sites offer protected space and clean supplies for people to use drugs with assistance from trained medical staff. Far from enabling drug use, safe-injection sites have played a role in reducing overdose mentality and improving public health in Canada. AB362 would allow California to establish contracts with safe-injection site operators … Continued
Lead Author: Wood Summary: The American Kidney Fund (AKF) is primarily funded by the two largest dialysis providers in the US — DaVita and Fresenius. AKF steers dialysis patients from Medi-Cal and toward private insurance, where the reimbursement rates they receive are much higher. This practice has helped enable these two companies to make profits … Continued
Lead Author: Chiu Summary: The practice of “balance billing” — forcing patients to pay surprise costs after they are treated, usually in an ER, by doctors who happen to be out of network — is yet another example of our broken healthcare system. AB1611 strikes down this practice, requiring providers charge the same out-of-pocket costs … Continued
Author: Gloria Co-author: Wiener Child welfare agencies are required to assess the health needs of all young people in foster care, and to ensure they receive appropriate and timely care to address the needs identified by qualified professionals. This bill makes clear that, to meet this obligation for transgender and gender nonconforming youth, child … Continued
Author: Lara Co-authors: Beall, Bradford, De León, Galgiani, Hernandez, Hertzberg, Hueso, Leyva, Mitchell, Monning, Pan, Skinner, Wiener Currently, undocumented Californians are not eligible for Medi-Cal, leaving thousands of residents uninsured and without adequate health care. AB 2965 and SB 974 would extend eligibility for full-scope Medi-Cal benefits to low-income adults ages 19-25 and 65 … Continued
Authors: Arambula, Thurmond Co-authors: Burke, Carrillo, Chiu, Friedman, Gonzalez, Wood Currently, undocumented Californians are not eligible for Medi-Cal, leaving thousands of residents uninsured and without adequate health care. AB 2965 and SB 974 would extend eligibility for full-scope Medi-Cal benefits to low-income adults ages 19-25 and 65 and over who are otherwise eligible, regardless … Continued
Author: Leyva Co-author: Carrillo College students should have their right to reproductive health care protected both off campus and on campus. SB 320 would require all health centers within the University of California and California State University systems to provide the drugs prescribed for medication abortion by 2022.
Author: Hernandez Co-authors: Gloria, Mitchell Many hospitalized, unhoused people are often at risk of being discharged out into extreme weather or other unsafe conditions, making them even more vulnerable to worsened illness. SB 1152 would create a hospital discharge planning process for patients experiencing homelessness that takes into account the unique medical and social … Continued
Author: Wiener Coauthors: Atkins, Gabriel Prescription drug costs continue to skyrocket even as consumers face price increases for the cost of healthcare. Extending regulations enacted through AB339 in 2015, SB 1021 would continue to cap co-pays for prescription drug costs at $250 for a 30-day supply.
Author: Wood The negative impacts health insurance mergers have on consumers — such as spikes in premium costs — are serious but can be mitigated by increasing oversight and accountability. AB 595 would provide that accountability by improving and expanding state oversight over health plan mergers by requiring insurance companies to receive authorization from … Continued
author: Wiener co-authors: Gloria, Atkins, Chiu, Eggman, Gipson, Mitchell, Skinner Several California laws target individuals living with HIV by criminalizing their sexual relationships. These laws further stigmatize individuals living with the disease and are not up-to-date with what we currently know about HIV. Enacting SB 239 eliminates one form of HIV discrimination by eliminating … Continued
author: McGuire co-author: Monning Studies reveal that doctors who receive gifts from Big Pharma are up to three times as likely to prescribe costly name-brand drugs than the equivalent lower-priced generic drugs. SB 790 would ensure there are fewer financial incentives in place for doctors to serve Big Pharma instead of their patients, keeping … Continued
author: Lara Unlike cosmetics or packaged food, no federal requirements exist for disclosing ingredients in cleaning products, even though some chemicals in these products have been found to cause cancer, birth defects, asthma, and other serious health risks. SB 258 requires known hazardous chemicals in these products to be listed on the label, as well … Continued
author: Thurmond The recent rise of food delivery and subscription services has created public health concerns that employees working in these businesses aren’t being forced to meet the same health standards as those in more traditional restaurants. AB 1461 would require all employees at businesses that offer ‘meal subscription plans’ to obtain Food Handler Cards … Continued
author: Allen co-authors: Hill, Stern Every year, state and local governments spend millions of dollars cleaning ‘styrofoam’ (polystyrene) from parks, beaches, and drains. Polystyrene collects by the ton in California waterways, and in the stomachs of animals who eat it. SB 705 would prohibit food vendors from using polystyrene take-out containers, helping to protect … Continued
author: Skinner The further a person needs to go to obtain emergency medical care, the more likely they are to suffer or even die. The problem is being exacerbated as hospitals close as their owners search for greater profits. SB 687 would mandate that non-profit hospitals — which are often profit-driven despite their tax status … Continued
authors: Lara, Atkins co-authors: Bonta, Galgiani, Gomez, Wiener, Allen, Chiu, Friedman, Kalra, McCarty, McGuire, Nazarian, Skinner, Stone, Thurmond Despite moderate progress under the Affordable Care Act, our healthcare system remains deeply immoral and inefficient. Health care for ALL should be a human right. SB 562 would create a comprehensive universal single-payer health care coverage … Continued
author: Monning Service consolidations among multi-billion dollar hospital chains have contributed to skyrocketing health care costs in California and across the country. SB 538 would stop certain anti-competitive practices, many of which prevent employer groups from sharing pricing data that could encourage more cost-effective care for employees. (This bill died.)
Author: Talamantes Eggman Co-authors: Wiener, Friedman, Lara 4,654 people died of drug overdoses in 2016 in California alone, according to the Center for Disease Control. AB 186 would authorize local governments to operate safe, hygienic, and secure injection sites for IV drug users and protect users and staff from prosecution. Permitting local governments to … Continued
author: Jones-Sawyer co-authors: Bonta, Chiu, Eggman, C. Garcia, Skinner, Wiener, Wood Despite California’s legalization of cannabis, the Trump Administration recently threatened to use federal enforcement to continue treating medical cannabis or marijuana use as illegal. Californians have spoken on this issue, and AB 1578 would ensure that, absent a court order, local and state … Continued
author: Leyva The Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC), the agency responsible for protecting Californians from the harmful effects of toxic substances, has struggled to earn the trust of communities of color, due to many cases of dubious oversight, like the Exide battery plant, Kettleman Hills hazardous waste facility, and Jordan Downs housing project. SB … Continued
(Hernandez) Appropriations: 12-0-8 co-author: Chiu The skyrocketing prices of life-saving prescription drugs (such as EpiPens, that increased in price almost 125% between 2007 and 2014) are hurting patients that need them. In 2013, households across the United States were spending about $858 per person on prescriptions – almost double the cost of many … Continued
(Lara) Floor: 28-10-2 co-authors: Bonta, Chiu, Gonzalez, Roger Hernández, Santiago, Thurmond, Wood As of 2014, about 2.4 million people living in California were undocumented immigrants. However, under the Affordable Care Act, these immigrants were not able to purchase their own health insurance, leaving millions to suffer without proper, timely treatment due to excessive … Continued
(Lara) Floor: 55-20-5 co-authors: Bonta, Chiu, Gonzalez, Roger Hernández, Santiago, Thurmond, Wood As of 2014, about 2.4 million people living in California were undocumented immigrants. However, under the Affordable Care Act, these immigrants were not able to purchase their own health insurance, leaving millions to suffer without proper, timely treatment due to excessive … Continued