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Would have provided grants to county election offices in San Benito, San Mateo, and Santa Cruz counties to create a pilot program to increase voter participation in county jail facilities.



Amends ACA 1 to require a lower 55% vote threshold to pass any local bond measure in a special district, city, or county; retains the requirement that special taxes for construction, repair, or replacement of public infrastructure pass with a two-third majority. Failed on the 2024 general election ballot.



Would have improved transparency by requiring that the top three funders of a referendum petition be printed directly on the petition, and required signers to initial to acknowledge that they read the names of the funders.



Would mandate that a ballot measure designed to increase the voter approval requirement for future bills to also pass by that higher requirement. Passed by the State Legislature and qualified for the November 5, 2024 statewide ballot.



Requires the ballot label for statewide referendum measures — initiatives to overturn state law by directly going to voters — to be followed by the choices “Keep the law” and “Overturn the law.” Passed by the State Legislature and signed into law by the Governor.



An act to repeal and add Section 1300 of the Elections Code, and to amend Section 24200 of the Government Code, relating to elections.



Creates greater political transparency by adding the names of organizations, businesses, and individuals supporting or opposing a ballot measure directly to the ballot label so that voters can see the information as they vote



A resolution to propose to the people of the State of California an amendment to the Constitution of the State, by repealing Section 31 of Article I thereof, relating to government preferences.



An act to amend Sections 2101, 2105.6, 2105.7, 2106, 2150, 2201, 2212, 2300, and 14240 of the Elections Code, relating to elections.



Lead Author: Umberg Summary: There are currently 5.5 million eligible but unregistered voters in California. What can stop people from voting isn’t often apathy — but barriers like time and proximity. SB 72 expands Election Day registration to every voting site, ensuring no potential voters will be turned away if they show up at the … Continued



Author: Stern   Existing law authorizes a person who is at least 16 years of age and otherwise meets all voter eligibility requirements to preregister to vote. SB 1400 would lower the minimum age for voter preregistration to 15 years of age, allowing more young people to preregister to vote.

SB 1107

By Brenna Miller

(Allen) Floor: 27-12-0   co-authors: Chiu, Hancock, Gonzalez   In a step toward getting big money out of politics, SB1107 overturned 30-year old law that banned citizen-funded campaigning. SB1107 allows locals to decide if they would like to enact citizen-funded campaigning. Cities across the nation that already allow these practices have found greater diversity in … Continued

SB 1107

By Brenna Miller

(Allen) Floor: 55-22-3   co-authors: Chiu, Hancock, Gonzalez   In a step toward getting big money out of politics, SB1107 overturned 30-year old law that banned citizen-funded campaigning. SB1107 allows locals to decide if they would like to enact citizen-funded campaigning. Cities across the nation that already allow these practices have found greater diversity in … Continued

SB 1107

By Brenna Miller

(Allen) Floor: 26-12-2   co-authors: Chiu, Hancock, Gonzalez   In a step toward getting big money out of politics, SB1107 overturned 30-year old law that banned citizen-funded campaigning. SB1107 allows locals to decide if they would like to enact citizen-funded campaigning. Cities across the nation that already allow these practices have found greater diversity in … Continued

AB 2466

By Brenna Miller

(Weber) Floor: 23-13-3   co-authors: Mitchell, Gonzalez   Allowing low-level, nonviolent felons to vote reduces the number of people that return to jail, because it provides these people with a meaningful role in society as they begin the reintegration process. Under the California Constitution, those who are currently in prison or on parole for a … Continued

AB 2466

By Brenna Miller

(Weber) Floor: 41-37-2   co-authors: Mitchell, Gonzalez   Allowing low-level, nonviolent felons to vote reduces the number of people that return to jail, because it provides these people with a meaningful role in society as they begin the reintegration process. Under the California Constitution, those who are currently in prison or on parole for a … Continued