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How well does your legislator represent you?

Find out how often your representatives stand up for constituents over corporate lobbyists.

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Your Representatives

Courage Score is a tool that helps Californians hold their elected representatives in the State Assembly and Senate accountable. We do this by increasing transparency on how they vote on important bills and by helping constituents better understand the degree to which big money infects our political process. 

Here’s how it works: 

Our partners share the most important bills

We reach out to over 100 progressive advocacy groups throughout California, surveying them on their priority bills from the previous legislative session.

We research the votes that showed the most courage

We review how every legislator voted on those bills, narrowing-in on close votes that squeaked passed committees and house floors, requiring courage of our legislators.

We calculate the Courage Score

We evaluate how well each legislator represents their district by comparing their votes to how progressive their district is.

We show the connections between corporate donations and legislators

Learn about some major industries whose big dollar contributions have a detrimental effect on our democratic system.

Meet the All-Stars, Our Legislative Heroes

In the face of corporate pressure, these legislators never fail to put people first. These representatives consistently stand up for their constituents, and prove their relentless support for progress.

Lola Smallwood-Cuevas

State senate

District 28


Aisha Wahab

State senate

District 10


Dawn Addis

State assembly

District 30


Mia Bonta

State assembly

District 18


Isaac Bryan

State assembly

District 55


Damon Connolly

State assembly

District 12


Hall of Shame

These representatives consistently fail their constituents by aligning with corporations and lobbyists instead of everyday Californians. Hold them accountable!

Hall of Shame

Dream Alliance Score Card

The Dream Alliance - an advocacy coalition of over 70 labor, community organizing, faith-based, policy, philanthropic, and academic leaders - fights for legislative priorities covering a wide range of issues impacting Californians. Check out how your legislators scored based on the Dream Alliance's priority bills!

Learn More